Request for Proposal
Requests for Proposal
Independent Contractor
THUNDER BAY VENTURES (TBV) is a Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) funded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, in partnership with FedNor. Our role in delivering community economic development services is consistent with the Board of Directors direction to provide opportunities to the small business community in Thunder Bay. TBV is seeking the services of an independent contractor to assist in the delivery of community economic development, promotion and support services for a one year term (October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022) with the possibility of extensions.
Any individual or firm and/or a joint submission by individuals or firms who hold themselves out to the public providing similar services; and have the experience and/or education necessary to provide these services are invited to submit a proposal to TBV. All submissions must outline the experience, skills and education. Please include a track record of all accomplishments of the individuals who would provide these services as well as the cost of this service. TBV may award one or more contracts as a result of this RFP.
Anyone interested in this Request for Proposal is invited to contact TBV regarding a package of material titled “Request for Proposal for Independent Contractor” which outlines more information and details on the services required. Interested applicants can call TBV at 807-768-6650 or send an email to Submissions are required to be in TBV office no later than Friday September 24, 2021 at 4:30 pm.
Thunder Bay Ventures
P.O. Box 10116
1043 Gorham Street Unit D
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 6T6